A Data Analyst who loves working with SQL, Excel, Python and PowerBI
I consume data and communicate Insights

Restaurant order analysis using SQL

The main objective of this SQL analysis is to identify the least and most popular ; menu item and cuisine type.

AirBnB Listing Analysis using python

This is an analysis conducted to find the impact of 2015 regulation on AirBnB listings in Paris.

Toy Store KPI Analysis - Powerbi

Sales analysis report of a toy store franchise during FY 2022 -FY2023.

Score prediction using supervised machine learning

This project aims on developing a machine learning algorithm to predict the scores of students based on their study hours.

Rollercoaster data analysis - Python

EDA of rollercoasters data using Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn

Recruitment dashboard - Looker Studio

This is a dashboard developed for a company, to visualize their recruitment database.


  • SQL - Data types, Queries, Aggregate functions, Subqueries, Joins, Windows function, EDA

  • POWERBI - Data cleaning, Data Modeling, DAX, Dashboards, Data Reporting, ETL

  • EXCEL - Count if, Sum if, VLOOKUP, Pivot table, charts, Index, Match, Macros

  • PYTHON- Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit learn

  • GCP - Google Analytics 4, BigQuery, Looker Studio

  • MICROSOFT FABRIC - Lakehouse, Data warehouse, Data Lake, Apache spark